Primary Respiration and the Fluid Body
Primary Respiration is a foundation of embodied wholeness, health and compassion in the human body. The focus of this course is to learn to explore with Primary Respiration (PR – also known as the Long Tide) in Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy sessions. Students learn the Fluid Body being the sum of all the different types of fluids in the body especially new research on water. Students learn new hand positions to sense PR in the Fluid Body of the client in relationship with the cardiovascular system. A skill called the vascular tree with exploration of the radial and anterior tibial arteries are taught. In addition, a new palpation skill called the Heart Fulcrum is taught.
Students learn a cycle of attunement, which is the basic perceptual practice of all biodynamic sessions. Moving attention out to the natural world and back in the rhythm of PR is called a cycle of attunement and is crucial to the client’s healing process. It is the way the whole client is reunified and renewed.
- Learn new hand positions to work with the Fluid Body
- See the four stages of embryonic morphology as applied to biodynamic practice
- Sense the relationship of the heart to the stillness
- Bridging skills into Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy