Biodynamic Cariovascular Therapy
More recently in the evolution of understanding the fluid body, is the work of Gerald Pollock at the University of Washington. His book called: The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Gas is very informative and refreshing. This is not only because it verifies what Dr. Blechschmidt was seeing in human embryos, but […]
The Fluid Body: Metaphors of Interrelatedness I cannot tell you exactly what the fluid body is. This is because the fluid body is a metaphor for a very personal experience of embodied wholeness. The term fluid body was originally coined perhaps two decades ago by James Jealous DO. The term as Jealous used it then, […]
Three Laws of Fluids. First, biological water moves longitudinally along a limiting membrane such as fascia. Secondly, biological water moves perpendicular to the plane of the limiting membrane. Thirdly, biological water moves through the limiting membrane because the water molecule is the smallest molecule in the human body and can therefore move through any structure. […]
Tensegrity. A basic principle of the biological shaping of the wholeness of the human body throughout the life span. It involves the morphological principles of compression and tension to provide stability for a structure. In prenatal development the fluid body generates a pre-structure in which a gel like scaffolding forms to hold the eventual anatomical […]
Self-Regulation. A term from the field of affective neuroscience regarding an ability to consciously and unconsciously modify states of arousal. It refers to the potential that every human being has to be resilient and to experience love. Resilience is the capacity to quickly return to a stable and/or normal emotional/autonomic state following a change process. […]
Neuroception. A term coined by Stephen Porges. It is the innate capacity of the human central nervous system to sense safety and respond to its lack with the autonomic nervous system. Its foundation is based on what Porges calls the “social nervous system. “The social nervous system is related to a high level of function […]
Midline. A fundamental principle and metaphor implying meaning and potential body organization in biodynamic craniosacral therapy. The context of the midline is wholeness (see wholeness). Postulated to be a central organizer or inducer of growth and development of the body, mind and spirit (the whole) or by some to be a permanent universal structure and […]
Health. The amplitude of Primary Respiration on a spectrum from weak to potent (potency). Sometimes used as an indicator for the progression of the biodynamic therapeutic process or its endpoint in a session. See potency and Primary Respiration. Heart Body. The second body of wholeness found in the embryo. The wholeness of the cardiovascular system […]
Embodiment. Also embodied wholeness. The conscious experience of deeper levels of order and organization occurring in and around one’s body. It is associated with the felt sense of wholeness. May be used as a synonym for the term midline. See wholeness, phenomenology of the body and midline. Five Stages of Biodynamic Perception. The gradual generation […]
Biokinetic. The physical forces operating in the fluids of the embryo. Found in the eight interconnected metabolic fields (a major component of the morphology of the embryo). These fields exist in the body as stem cells throughout the life span. They underlie the biomechanical joint motions of flexion/extension, side bending/rotation, compression/decompression, shearing and portioning. They […]