Interpersonal Neurobiology: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) can be understood as the cardiovascular and neurological self-regulation of the mind-body in relationship with another person. It has two components: (1) internal or autonomous self-regulation through conscious awareness of the body from the inside, called interoceptive awareness; and (2) self-regulation occurring socially in relationship through the social nervous systems and brains of two people. The therapeutic relationship is also known as a two person biology. This new scientific reality requires a deeper level of embodied awareness on the part of the practitioner.
This article is about applying the new science of IPNB in clinical practice. It covers the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities for the safe practice of biodynamic and manual therapies. This includes the mindful development of a therapeutic relationship. Mindfulness is non-judgmental seeing of things from the inside of the body. Safety involves the relaxation of defensive physiology associated with the autonomic nervous system (ANS). These elements and others are the ground of IPNB. They are here presented in table form, juxtaposing the knowledge principles with the skills and abilities the practitioner might apply. I am calling this approach biodynamic therapy. Biodynamic refers to the biological wholeness of the human body. The intention is to make the individual principles more embodied holistically in the practitioner and more easily able to be applied in clinical practice.
Consejos para ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego
¿Eres un apasionado de las tragamonedas y estás buscando la manera de aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar en Yajuego? ¡Has llegado al lugar correcto! En este artículo, te daremos los mejores consejos para que puedas dominar las tragamonedas y aumentar tus ganancias en esta popular plataforma de juegos de azar en línea.
Las tragamonedas son uno de los juegos más emocionantes y populares en los casinos en línea, y Yajuego no es la excepción. Sin embargo, muchos jugadores se preguntan si existe alguna estrategia o técnica que les permita ganar con mayor frecuencia. En este artículo, desvelaremos los secretos de las tragamonedas de Yajuego y te proporcionaremos consejos prácticos para maximizar tus oportunidades de éxito. ¿Estás listo para aprender cómo convertirte en un verdadero ganador en las tragamonedas? ¡Sigue leyendo y descubre todo lo que necesitas saber!
Estrategias para maximizar tus ganancias en las tragamonedas de Yajuego
A continuación, te ofrecemos algunos consejos para aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego. Primero, es importante aprovechar las promociones que Yajuego ofrece a sus jugadores. Puedes encontrar una variedad de bonos y promociones en su sitio web, en la sección de promociones: Estas promociones pueden darte giros gratis, bonificaciones en tus depósitos y otras ventajas que te ayudarán a maximizar tus ganancias.
Otro consejo es familiarizarte con las reglas y características de cada tragamonedas. Cada juego tiene diferentes líneas de pago, símbolos especiales y bonificaciones. Tómate el tiempo para leer la información proporcionada por Yajuego sobre cada juego y así entender cómo puedes aprovechar al máximo tus apuestas. Además, establece un presupuesto y mantente fiel a él. No te dejes llevar por la emoción del juego y evita apostar más de lo que puedes permitirte perder. Recuerda que el juego debe ser divertido y nunca debes apostar dinero que necesitas para otros gastos.
Cómo elegir la máquina tragamonedas adecuada para aumentar tus probabilidades de ganar en Yajuego
Si eres fanático de las tragamonedas y quieres aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar en Yajuego, aquí tienes algunos consejos que te pueden ayudar. En primer lugar, es importante elegir la máquina tragamonedas correcta. No todas las tragamonedas son iguales, algunas tienen mayores probabilidades de pago que otras. Investiga y elige aquellas que ofrecen un mayor porcentaje de retorno al jugador.
Otro consejo importante es establecer un presupuesto y ceñirte a él. Las tragamonedas pueden ser muy emocionantes, pero también pueden ser adictivas. Antes de comenzar a jugar, decide cuánto dinero estás dispuesto a gastar y no te excedas de esa cantidad. Además, establece límites de tiempo para tus sesiones de juego. Esto te ayudará a mantener el control y evitar gastos excesivos.
Por último, aprovecha las promociones y bonificaciones que ofrece Yajuego. Muchos casinos en línea ofrecen bonos de bienvenida, giros gratis y otras promociones para atraer a nuevos jugadores. Asegúrate de aprovechar al máximo estas ofertas, ya que te brindarán más oportunidades de ganar sin gastar tanto dinero. Recuerda leer los términos y condiciones de las promociones para asegurarte de cumplir con todos los requisitos.
Conoce los símbolos y características especiales que te ayudarán a ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego
Si estás buscando consejos para ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego, estás en el lugar correcto. Aquí te daremos algunas estrategias que podrás aplicar para aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito. En primer lugar, es importante que conozcas bien las reglas del juego y las características de cada tragamonedas. Esto te permitirá tomar decisiones informadas al momento de apostar y aprovechar al máximo las bonificaciones y rondas de giros gratis que ofrecen algunas máquinas.
Otro consejo importante es establecer un presupuesto y ceñirte a él. Es fácil emocionarse y seguir jugando en busca de una gran victoria, pero es esencial ser consciente de tus límites y no gastar más de lo que estás dispuesto a perder. Además, te recomendamos probar diferentes tragamonedas y variar tus apuestas. Algunas máquinas pueden tener mayores probabilidades de pago, por lo que explorar diferentes opciones te dará una mejor idea de cuáles son las más rentables. Recuerda que el juego debe ser divertido y emocionante, así que disfruta de la experiencia y juega de manera responsable.
Gestión inteligente de tu presupuesto: consejos para jugar de manera responsable y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar en Yajuego
Si estás buscando consejos para ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego, estás en el lugar correcto. Aquí te daremos algunos tips que te ayudarán a aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito. En primer lugar, es importante que conozcas bien el juego en el que vas a apostar. Asegúrate de entender las reglas, las combinaciones ganadoras y las características especiales. Esto te permitirá tomar decisiones más informadas y aumentar tus oportunidades de obtener premios.
Otro consejo clave es establecer un presupuesto y ceñirte a él. Las tragamonedas son juegos de azar y es fácil emocionarse y gastar más dinero del que tenías planeado. Antes de comenzar a jugar, decide cuánto estás dispuesto a apostar y no te excedas de esa cantidad. También es recomendable aprovechar las promociones y bonificaciones que ofrece Yajuego. Estas pueden darte más crédito para jugar o giros gratis, lo que aumentará tus oportunidades de ganar sin gastar más dinero. Recuerda siempre jugar de manera responsable y divertirte mientras juegas en las tragamonedas de Yajuego.
Aprovecha las promociones y bonos de Yajuego para aumentar tus oportunidades de ganar en las tragamonedas
Si estás buscando consejos para ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego, estás en el lugar correcto. Aquí te brindaremos algunos consejos útiles que pueden aumentar tus posibilidades de éxito. En primer lugar, es importante establecer un presupuesto y ceñirte a él. Esto te ayudará a controlar tus gastos y evitarás caer en la tentación de seguir jugando cuando ya has alcanzado tu límite.
Otro consejo importante es elegir las tragamonedas adecuadas. Investiga sobre los diferentes juegos disponibles y elige aquellos que tengan una alta tasa de pago y bonificaciones frecuentes. Además, es recomendable comenzar apostando cantidades pequeñas y aumentar gradualmente a medida que te sientas más cómodo. Recuerda que las tragamonedas son juegos de azar, por lo que no hay una estrategia infalible para ganar, pero siguiendo estos consejos podrás maximizar tus posibilidades de obtener ganancias en Yajuego.
En conclusión, con estos consejos y estrategias, podrás aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar en las tragamonedas de Yajuego. Recuerda siempre establecer un presupuesto y jugar de manera responsable. Aprovecha las bonificaciones y promociones que ofrece el casino para maximizar tus ganancias. Además, familiarízate con las diferentes máquinas y sus características antes de comenzar a jugar. No olvides que el juego debe ser divertido y emocionante, por lo que disfruta de la experiencia y ¡buena suerte en tus apuestas!
The reader might well ask if it is necessary to know and practice each and every one of these skills in every session. These skills take time to develop and gradually become second nature while with a client or any life situation for some of the skills. At first there is a deliberate sense of practice until it becomes spontaneous. Some sessions involve an emphasis on certain skills while other sessions focus on different skills. I recommend picking one or two skills that are unfamiliar to the reader and getting to know their meaning and application. If I had to pick the base skill, it would be simple literal awareness of the movement of one’s heart. This is the core of the practice.
Therapeutic Relationship Competencies | |
Knowledge: Embodied Wholeness, the experience of organization in one’s body. Practitioner builds and maintains a therapeutic container based on safety and trust through mindfulness. This is a holding environment in which normal and natural self-regulation of body and mind can manifest in the practitioner and the client. It begins with the practitioner sensing their own body-mind. This requires mindfulness first, seeing things from the inside, secondly nowness, unconditional and total acceptance of one’s life and third compassion. | Skills and Abilities: Mindfulness begins with a correct posture and simple awareness of breathing. This is called mindfulness of body.Mindfulness of emotions is a general awareness of one’s current emotional state.Mindfulness of thoughts is awareness of thinking and cognition.Mindfulness of life stories is about the constant story we tell ourselves about our life from day to day, as well as week to week and year to year and so forth. |
Knowledge: Understand that self-regulation is modulated by two pathways. One pathway is from the body and heart to the brain via sensation and feeling (bottom-up) which is slower. It is processed by the right hemisphere of the brain. The second pathway is from the brain to the body via cognitive thinking (top-down). It is processed by the prefrontal cortex in the left hemisphere of the brain.Therapy needs to affect both pathways. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner regularly senses the shape of his or her own body systemically as one whole continuum of fluid, bone, and membrane. This is three-dimensional fluid awareness.Practitioner synchronizes with slowness and stillness while orienting to the shape of his or her body. This generates resonance with the client.Practitioner senses the movement of his or her heart as a natural place of abiding.Practitioner is aware of the movement of his or her respiratory diaphragm.
Knowledge: Understand that self-regulation has three elements: attunement, empathy, and intersubjectivity, which are all based on the quality of the practitioner’s attention.There are five types of attention in a biodynamic therapy: focused, unfocused, deliberate, spontaneous, and resting or abiding. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner maintains mindfulness of mental and physical states while in relationship with the client.Practitioner regularly scans his or her own body to maintain embodied wholeness.Practitioner allows his or her heart to radiate out to the horizon and back slowly.Practitioner rests his or her attention in the stillness when perceiving it anywhere. |
Knowledge: Understand that attunement is the process in which the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the practitioner and client maintain and build a therapeutic container based on safety and trust. It is called neuroception.Understand that attunement is based on the cycling of the practitioner’s attention away from the client and back in a slow tempo. At first this is a deliberate movement of attention and it gradually becomes spontaneous, normal and natural during a session. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner is mindful of the slow natural rhythm of attunement. This is how attention moves periodically between the practitioner, his or her hands in and beyond the boundaries of the treatment room outside into nature and back rhythmically. This develops flexibility in shifting from focused attention to unfocused attention.Practitioner practices mindfulness by noticing wandering mental states, speed, emotions and returning to the present moment.Practitioner regularly moves attention back to his or her heart movement.Practitioner may practice coherent breathing. |
Knowledge: Understand that under nonstressful conditions, the nervous systems of the client and the practitioner attune on average once per minute. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner makes soft eye contact when appropriate with the client, especially before and after a session.Practitioner visually scans the surface shape of the whole body of the client periodically.Practitioner deliberately avoids fast tempos when encountering them in the client or solicits slowness from the client verbally.When stillness permeates the room, the practitioner takes time to notice it and suspend some attention into it. |
Knowledge: Understand that empathy is generated in the brain and heart in order to feel what the client is feeling.Understand that empathy is the foundation of compassion (caring and acting for the relief of pain and suffering of others). Empathy and compassion are hard wired in our biology.Understand that the client and the practitioner co-regulate each other’s nervous and cardiovascular systems through mirroring, gratitude and resonance. This generates heart coherence (love, happiness, equanimity, kindness) and brain self-regulation.Understand that each person in the therapeutic relationship is affecting each other’s nervous and cardiovascular systems equally whether with stress or with empathy.
Understand that the practitioner’s empathy develops a felt sense in the client of being nurtured, loved and being “gotten.” Likewise, the practitioner feels “gotten” by the client. This is called the intersubjective moment. Understand that empathy and compassion are built through interoceptive awareness of the practitioner. Understand that compassion is the foundation of moral development. Biodynamic therapy facilitates moral development. |
Skills and Abilities: Practitioner regularly focuses attention on the movement and activity of the heart and blood with the focused attention. It is called interoceptive awareness or cardioception.Practitioner pays attention to the heartbeat pulsation spreading out to the hands and three dimensionally through his or her body.Practitioner deepens interoception to include his or her gut feelings such as tightening, cramping, queasiness, hunger, need for evacuation of the bowel or bladder, shifts in breathing, streaming, pulsating, undulating, etc.Practitioner is capable of guiding the client through a body scan.
Practitioner notices sensations of heat and warmth in self and client and allows them to permeate the body systemically. Practitioner periodically smiles as a type of nonverbal dialogue between practitioner and client. Practitioner actively senses his or her hands as continuous or connected with his or her heart and that of the client. Practitioner attempts to sense the client’s blood under the skin with their hands. |
Knowledge: Understand that nurturing physical touch when coupled with empathy stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin, associated with the felt sense of love in both the practitioner and the client. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner periodically contemplates the flow of loving kindness, equanimity, love and joy flowing from his or her heart towards the client or through the hands while in contact with the client.Practitioner contemplates the client’s history sensing his or her own heart movement while doing an intake or even while in contact with the client. |
Knowledge: Understand that clients hold stress, trauma, and shock in their body, which is capable of being sensed by the practitioner before, during, and after a session through neurological resonance with the client.Understand that resonance also occurs for the client when he or she senses the practitioner’s inner state of mind and body either consciously or unconsciously.Understand that shock and trauma is mediated in the body by the autonomic nervous system (ANS).Understand that at the same time shock and trauma is held in the body, it is being centered by health also present in the body. Find the health in every situation with mindfulness, slowness and stillness. These are deep resources for healing.
Understand that it is important to support a person emotionally and not process the client’s emotions. |
Skills and Abilities: Practitioner periodically attends to thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sensations while in contact with the client. He or she acknowledges them by postural shifting, possibly removing one’s hands briefly from the client after verbally soliciting comfort, or moving one’s attention out into the natural world and back slowly.Practitioner observes signs of the client’s autonomic nervous system seeking homeostasis such as skin color tone, breathing, shaking or trembling, eyes glazing, etc.Practitioner modulates contact with the client slowly while the autonomic nervous system is active by slowing down, pausing periodically waiting for the client to take several breaths.Practitioner brackets or saves personal feelings and emotions that persist in a session for reflection after the client has left the office with appropriate supervision or therapy. |
Knowledge: Understand that clear verbal communication is an important boundary and facilitates successful therapeutic outcomes.Practitioner maintains clear, responsible, and conscious boundaries with clients. | Skills and Abilities: Practitioner actively acknowledges the client as they speak through soft eye contact, head nodding, sounds of recognition, and/or words of recognition. This includes actively sensing one’s heart as mentioned above.Practitioner is curious or questioning, but not obtrusive, if something in the client’s story seems to be missing.Practitioner avoids provoking client’s emotions through verbal or manual techniques. |
I have worked on this document for quite some time and will be teaching from it in my course in North Carolina on August 20-22. This course is an introduction to Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy. The perceptual skills of biodynamic craniosacral therapy will be applied to the heart and cardiovascular system. You can register at:
Coherent Breathing is a registered trademark of COHERENCE LLC.
Fundamental Quiescent Rhythm is a trademark of COHERENCE LLC.
Stephen Elliott is the originator of The Coherent Breathing method.