What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 3
Question: In Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy we do not concentrate on symptoms, pains or deficits. We rather learn to establish “embodied wholeness”. When I think about that philosophical path I ask myself why do we use specific hand positions on special body parts? Wouldn’t it be enough using the pieta position? And if I go even further the question comes to me: Do we need any hand contact at all to establish this “embodied wholeness” in our clients to support them?
Answer: My feeling is that every single biodynamic practitioner needs to own this work and develop it as much as they can. I do not want people to become a “Michael Shea clone.” I’d much rather provide new research and information that can be applied in clinical practice if the practitioner desires to do so. Secondly, it is absolutely true that Dr. Still said “Find the health, anyone can find disease!” Up to now we’ve been talking about symptoms and so forth. Yet, when we actually make contact with an artery the intention is to synchronize with PR and Stillness. It turns out that the heart and all the blood vessels develop in relationship with certain types of cells that are dynamically still. They are called “quiescent cells”. At the same time PR moves locally in the blood throughout the body as well as globally throughout all the tissues of the body including its continuity and interconnection to the natural world outside.
The contemporary client has a much greater challenge in their metabolic/cellular processes than ever before. And I believe it is important and ethically necessary for biodynamic therapists to be informed of current information on metabolic syndromes and their causes. At the same time, we still apply the same perceptional process with PR and Stillness, particularly towards the cardiovascular system. Same skills, different palpation. In this sense, the part is always a part of the whole.
Since I believe everyone practices differently, it is certainly possible to work off the body. I know of several practitioners that work off the body biodynamically for a whole session. It’s interesting because I teach and practice in a way that the first few minutes are spent without making contact. I use my whole body to receive PR and then I sense PR moving between my heart and that of the client. So in this way anyone who practices like this is working off the body. Of course I have a few friends that claim they can do a biodynamic session through the phone. But I have not been able to find that APP in my IPhone yet!
I invite you to join me for a special course on working with head injuries. This course is based on new research. The course will take place at Cortiva Institute in Scottdale, AZ. Course dates are Jan. 22-24, 2016. Contact [email protected] to register.