What is Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy, Part 4
Question: You experiment most probably with different hand positions i.e. the palm up positions. You touch with the back of your hands instead of the palms, Or only with one hand, and the other rests on your lap or knee. What’s the idea behind that and which experiences do have with them?
Answer: I am not sure when I decided to turn my hand upside down but I know it works well to restore continuity in the fluid body. The basic idea came from a CD by Jim Jealous DO that I listened to some years ago. He said that many clients and especially babies have lost the continuity of their fluid body between what’s below the skin (he calls that zone A) and what’s above the skin around the body (he calls this zone B). This is the area called the biosphere according to Dr. Becker. I think of this area as a warm, wet, electric cloud breathing with PR because it is filled with water evaporating off the body. 3-7 liters of biological water evaporate off of the skin of our bodies every day. It generally condenses in a space around the body up to around 30cm. So there is a continuity of the fluid body and I found it is breathing with PR. Recent research indicates this “cloud” as it is called by the researchers contains a rich microbiome. This area is also known to be monitored by sensors in the fear center of the brain called the amygdala. Thus it is a very active biological zone of our body.
Dr. Jealous said that the window between zone A of the body and zone B around the body has been closed due to stress and needs to get opened for its continuity and wholeness. The skill that’s necessary is the ability to sense the cloud around the body breathing with PR and moving through the hands. I initially taught skills with the palms down on the client and placing all the attention on the back of the hands. Then one day when I was sitting at the ocean studying the fluid body of the planet I suddenly saw quite clearly the biosphere of the ocean as a warm, wet, fluid cloud filled with heat. Of course it was the summer and I live in the tropics, so I thought to myself why not turn my hands upside down as if holding this same warm, wet, fluid cloud around the client’s body? Now with the back of my hand on the surface of the client’s skin it became much easier to restore the continuity above and below the skin of the fluid body by sensing the transparency of PR moving through my hands and the skin of the client. This opens the window of the fluid body according to Dr. Jealous and I have had this experience.
It must also be noted that embryologically the fluid body of biological living water is our original body and all there is in the embryo in the first two weeks post fertilization. Then in the third week the heart starts to form and in the fourth week the brain. So I simply teach palpation skills based on this developmental sequence. I call it bridging, which means the skills of restoring the fluid body, then de-pressurizing the vascular system back to normal and finally occasional traditional skills impacting the brain via the cranium and sacrum which most all practitioners are familiar with.
I will be teaching a course titled: An Introduction to Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy: A Training for Health Practitioners. This course will take place in New York City at the New York Open Center, February 1-3, 2016. In this introductory course we will focus on applying craniosacral therapy skills to the cardiovascular system and learn new techniques to reduce systemic inflammation and reduce cortisol and stress levels.
Visit this link for details and registration: http://www.opencenter.org/events/an-introduction-to-biodynamic-cardiovascular-therapy-a-training-for-health-practitioners/ I look forward to seeing you in the Big Apple.